Project Profile

brand identity & web design

maadi law


At Maadi Law, our mission is to be the unwavering support system our clients need during challenging times. We strive to provide not just legal expertise but also a sense of security, assurance, and peace of mind. Our goal is to make our clients feel protected, understood, and empowered throughout their legal journey. We’re not just your attorneys, we’re your allies in the pursuit of justice, and we’re committed to ensuring you feel heard, valued, and confident in your pursuit of the compensation and resolution you deserve.      



Brand Strategy

For Maadi Law's Brand Strategy, we established the target clientele, methods to stand out against their competition, ways to utilize social media, and creating a brand identity that distinguishes them apart from their competitors.

We came to conclusion, the best method for Maadi Law to stand out amongst other Personal Injury Lawyers was to incorporate their personality and their unique identity into their business. This has helped them stand out and attract the clientele they aimed to work with.

Brand identity design

• Logo Suite:
     - Primary
     - Secondary
     - Submarks
     - Icons
• Social Media Icons
• Color Palette
• Typography
• Mockups

custom website

For Maadi Law's website, we aimed to develop an online presence that instills confidence and enthusiasm in potential clients even before their initial consultation. Our goal was to convey the high quality, exclusivity, and personalized legal experience they can expect when partnering with Maadi Law.

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